Counseling Page » Counseling Page

Counseling Page

Hello Saxons! Welcome to the Middle School Counseling Page. 

Meet the Staff: 


Name: Mrs. Pamela Cole
Phone: 269-945-6146
Fax: 269-945-6101
I am Mrs. Pamela Cole, the Middle School Counselor at Hastings Middle School. I graduated with my Master of Arts in Counseling from Michigan State University in 2004. The 2024-2025 school year marks my 10th year working with Hastings Middle School students and my 21st serving as a Middle School Counselor. I look forward to everyday I get to spend working with middle school students and feel very lucky to do this job. 
As a Middle School Counselor, I perform the following roles in order to promote positive and well-rounded development of our students in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social domains:
  • Individual counseling 
  • Small group counseling 
  • Classroom guidance (Large group counseling)
  • Attendance and participation in academic intervention meetings
  • Organize and administer state testing for the building 
  • Observe students in many different school environments to assist with success plan development 
  • Consult and collaborate with students, parents, teachers, administrators and social workers to help all students succeed 
  • Respond to school crisis or emergency situations 
  • Provide information and resources to parents on many different issues


Student Support Specialist
Leah Lucas
Name: Mrs. Leah Lucas
Phone: 269-945-6147
Fax: 269-945-6101


I am Mrs. Leah Lucas, a Student Support Specialist and Social Worker at Hastings Middle School. I graduated with my Master of Social Work in 2009 from Grand Valley State University. This school year marks my 4th with Hastings Middle School and my 9th school year in Education! Prior to that I did outpatient and in-home mental health counseling with families. I love being in the middle school! 

As a Student Support Specialist, I perform the following roles in order to promote positive and well-rounded development of our students in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social domains: 

  • Individual counseling for issues directly related to school - we will help connect to community resources if more extensive counseling is needed 
  • Small group counseling 
  • Attendance and participation in academic intervention meetings 
  • Observe students in many different school environments to assist with success plan development 
  • Consult and collaborate with students, parents, teachers, administrators and counselors to help all students succeed
  • Respond to school crisis or emergency situations 
  • Provide information and resources to parents on many different issues 
Student Support Specialist

Name: Mrs. Angela Henry
Phone: 269-818-2335
Fax: 269-945-6101
I am Mrs. Angela Henry, a Student Support Specialist and Social Worker at Hastings Middle School. I graduated in 2001 from Michigan State University (Go Green!) and completed my Masters of Social Worker from Grand Valley State University in 2006. I am brand new to Hastings Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year, previously spending 18+ years working in the child welfare system. I am so excited for this school year and look forward to being a part of the Saxon community.
As a Middle School Counselor, I perform the following roles in order to promote positive and well-rounded development of our students in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social domains:
  • Individual counseling for issues directly related to school - we will help connect to community resources if more extensive counseling is needed
  • Small group counseling 
  • Attendance and participation in academic intervention meetings
  • Organize and administer state testing for the building 
  • Observe students in many different school environments to assist with success plan development 
  • Consult and collaborate with students, parents, teachers, administrators and social workers to help all students succeed 
  • Respond to school crisis or emergency situations 
  • Provide information and resources to parents on many different issues

How do I connect with the Counselor or Student Support Specialist?

In order to better serve students, parents, and teachers we have created an online form that will allow for anyone to request assistance from Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Barrows or Mrs. Lucas regardless of if we are in the office or on the middle school campus. We intend to meet with the student, parent, or teacher within 24 hours of the request as long as we are back in the building within that time frame. Our hope is that this will create easier access to counseling services.

Counselor Request Form

How do I get more help for my student?

This form is used to request additional assistance for a student who is struggling to be successful behaviorally and/or academically at school.  This form can be filled out by a teacher, parent, community member, or student. The concerns indicated in this form will be addressed by Hastings Middle School's Intervention Team within 2 school days. The process that follows the completion of this form could include a historical review of grades, behaviors, and other related information, as well as a team meeting to address what interventions would best fit the student's needs.  You may be asked to be a part of the student's team of supportive individuals.

Request for Assistance

We are pleased to be able to offer Social Emotional Groups for our HMS students this year! These groups will explore emotions and how to cope with them during the tough teenage years. Groups will have no more than 6 students at a time and will be tailored to themes that are needed. Please fill out this form for yourself or your student. Because of group size, we will have a capacity limit for those in groups at one time, but we will run multiple sessions throughout the year!  

Thank you for visiting this site!